Learning Enablement

Learning enablement
At the tail end of last year, I spent some time with the brilliant Nigel Paine at LearningNowTV discussing the changes that we made to create the Learning Enablement team whilst at Spark New Zealand. As an organisation, Spark provided our learning team with the space and trust to try something new that we fundamentally believed in, and for that I’ll be forever grateful. We learned so much throughout our transformation to becoming a Learning Enablement team, and many of these lessons and highlights have been captured in this interview with Nigel.
At Five NZ, we believe that traditional training and learning development functions aren’t as effective as they could be. Times have changed. Learners have changed. The pace of change increased and will only continue to do so, and what used to work well can now be improved upon in so many ways. We support organisations who want to shift the dial on their learning teams and do what worked for us at Spark (and leave out the bits we’ve learned to avoid in the process too!!).