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Bex Grace

Leadership and Performance Coach
+64 (0) 21 149 7563
bex@fivenz.comSchedule a call

Bex has over 15 year’s experience connecting talent strategies and leadership capability to the core purpose and strategic direction of the organisations she’s worked with. In the UK, Middle East and NZ, Bex has designed and implemented programmes that ensure talent planning and leadership capability sit central to business operations and aspirations. Bex’s approach means that everyone knows why and everyone is in. Everything Bex does is fit-for-purpose, nothing happens just because “it’s what others are doing”. She prides herself on building trusted and knowledgeable relationships with each client, resulting in talent and leadership development solutions that integrate, align and serve whole company purpose and aspiration – not only HR’s agenda. A qualified leadership coach, mum, veteran water-polo player, current triathlete and self pro-claimed coffee snob, Bex brings her whole-self to her work with clients - creating space for trust, partnership and meaningful results

You can talk to me about:

🟤 Strategy & Leadership
Executive Coaching

I've recently written about:

November 4, 2011

Surviving re-entry to professional life

I can only explain it as a tangle of anxious-stress-juggle-blur-progression as I re-surfaced into the working world having had my 3rd (supremely gorgeous) baby boy. I wanted to reconnect with my profession - and my professional identity. It was time to incorporate some professional attire into the rotation of maternity tops and Lululemon high-waisted-hide-that-baby-belly tights. Connecting with associates and clients felt SO exciting!